Commit To Vote

Protecting Our Children’s Future: The Importance of Voting in the Wisconsin Supreme Court Election

For the righteous and the faithful, the opportunities to serve God and country never stop – and neither do the obligations.

In less than two weeks, we will be called to the polls to defend our families and children once again. But wasn’t 2023 supposed to be a non-election year?

Maybe – if you are only looking at large, highly-publicized presidential elections. In Wisconsin, we have a very important election right now as we are about to elect a new Supreme Court justice. This is a much less glamorous election, with all the potential to go unnoticed. Ironically, this election is garnering national attention because people all across the country understand the high-stakes nature of this race since the court will either remain conservative or flip to liberal as a result of this election. Either way, the winner will have an extremely powerful vote and say in our state’s sense of right and wrong.

So what kind of person should we elect? Which values will they bring into office? And more importantly, how will their choices affect our children?

Create a Just Society for the Future

Every time we tick a ballot box, we are seizing an opportunity to do just that. We can give our vote to someone who desires the same kind of society we do. We can elect a lawful and experienced jurist, who honors the country through his/her respect for our traditions and values. 

For most of us, voting for someone who directly opposes our values is almost unthinkable. But staying home on election day can be just as harmful. Every time we choose not to vote, we are allowing others the opportunity to wreak havoc with our justice system.

Protect Your Kids from Toxic Influences

At Wisconsin Family Council we have been working hard to safeguard the rule of law across the state of Wisconsin, protecting families and communities from toxic policies and even toxic businesses, like casinos or so-called “adult entertainment” shops.

However, no law is safe from a Supreme Court justice with opposing interests. A candidate who takes nearly $2 million from the Democratic Party can just as easily take $100K from Big Casino. A “modern” figure who wants to pander to a certain demographic can allow the inclusion of un-American materials in public schools.

The United States of America has granted each eligible adult an equal voice to decide how to govern our society. Our right to worship freely, to educate our kids in accordance with our conscience, and to be prosperous enough to provide for our families are all preserved through each election cycle – but only because WE defend these values.

Stand your Ground for Those Yet to Come

State Supreme Court elections usually go unnoticed by the large majority of the country. But something is different this time: the nation is watching.

Why? Because Wisconsin has some of the strongest laws to protect babies, both born and unborn. And yet, the forces and parties who seek to bring back Roe v. Wade on steroids want to start their crusade here. They’ve put money on our candidates, they’re mobilizing their political machinery, and they are confident of their triumph.

Freedom-loving, life-respecting residents of the Badger State have the opportunity to have their say on this and more in this election.

These elections are often decided by small margins: in 2020, ALL our electoral votes went to a single presidential candidate, by a difference of less than 1% in the popular vote. The victory margin this time may be even smaller, but its impact will affect ALL families.

Commit to Vote on April 4th!

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